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Nacházíte se:  Úvod    Aktuality    2012    ČAOK – Prodej publikací v angličtině pro obor ocelových konstrukcí

ČAOK – Prodej publikací v angličtině pro obor ocelových konstrukcí

Publikováno: 26.7.2012
Rubrika: 2012

Česká asociace ocelových konstrukcí po dohodě s Evropskou asociací ocelových konstrukcí zavádí prodej odborných publikací v anglickém jazyce, vydávaných odborníky na problematiku ocelových konstrukcí. Zájemci o anglické i české publikace mohou najít nabídku na internetových stránkách asociace www.caok.cz/publikace nebo časopisu KONSTRUKCE www.konstrukce.cz/publikace. Členům ČAOK bude poskytnuta sleva ve výši 15 %.

ISBN (ECCS): 978-92-9147-098-3, vydáno v roce 2010, 454 stran
Autoři: L. Simoes da Silva, R. Simoes and H. Gervásio
Cena: 70 EUR + poštovné a balné, sleva 15 % pro členy ČAOK

This book details the fundamental concepts of Eurocode 3, Part 1-1: General rules and rules for buildings and their practical application. Following a discussion of the Eurocode 3 basis of design, including the principles of reliability management and the limit state approach, the steel material standards and their use under Eurocode 3 are detailed. Structural analysis and modelling are presented in a chapter that will assist the design engineer in the first stages of design. This is followed by a major chapter that provides the design criteria and approaches for the various types of structural members. The theoretical basis and checking procedures are closely tied to the Eurocode requirements, making for a unique presentation of theory into practice. The following chapters expand on the principles and applications of elastic and plastic design of steel structures.

ISBN (ECCS): 978-92-9147-100-3, vydáno v roce 2012, 287 stran
Autoři: D. Beg; U. Kuhlmann; L. Davaine; B. Braun
Cena: 55 EUR + poštovné a balné, sleva 15% pro členy ČAOK

The main aim of this book is to provide practical advice to designers of plated structures for correct and efficient application of EN 1993-1-5 design rules. In Chapter 1 the purpose, the scope and the structure of the book is explained. In Chapter 2 a detailed and commented overview of EN 1993-1-5 design rules is given following the structure of the standard. Shear lag effect as well as plate buckling problems due to direct stresses, shear forces, transverse forces and interaction of these effects are covered. This chapter also includes a reduced stress method and a finite element analysis approach to plate buckling problems. A large number of design examples illustrate the proper application of individual design rules. Chapter 3 and 4 bring two complete design examples on a crane runway beam and a box-girder bridge.

ISBN (ECCS): 978-92-9147-099-0, vydáno v roce 2010, 452 stran
Autoři: J.-M. Franssen and P. Vila Real
Cena: 70 EUR + poštovné a balné, sleva 15 % pro členy ČAOK

This book explains and illustrates the rules that are given in the Eurocodes for designing steel structures subjected to fire. After the first introductory chapter, Chapter 2 explains how to calculate the mechanical actions (loads) in the fire situation based on the information given in EN 1990 and EN 1991. Chapter 3 presents the models to be used to represent the thermal actions created by the fire. Chapter 4 describes the procedures to be used to calculate the temperature of the steelwork from the temperature of the compartment and Chapter 5 shows how the information given in EN 1993-1-2 is used to determine the load bearing capacity of the steel structure. Chapter 6 presents the essential features that characterise the advanced calculation models. The methods use to evaluate the fire resistance of bolted and welded connections are described in Chapter 7. Chapter 8 describes a computer program called Elefir-EN which is based on the simple calculation model given in the Eurocode and allows designers to quickly and accurately calculate the performance of steel components in the fire situation. Chapter 9 looks at the issues that a designer may be faced with when assessing the fire resistance of a complete building.

ISBN 978-92-9147-101-0, vydáno v roce 2011, 338 stran
Autoři: A. Nussbaumer, L. Borges and L. Davaine
Cena: 55 EUR + poštovné a balné, sleva 15 % pro členy ČAOK

This volume addresses the specific subject of fatigue, a subject not familiar to many engineers, but still relevant for proper and good design of numerous steel structures. It explains all issues related to the subject: Basis of fatigue design, reliability and various verification formats, determination of stresses and stress ranges, fatigue strength, application range and limitations. It contains detailed examples of applications of the concepts, computation methods and verifications.

Ohodnoďte článek:

Design of Steel StructuresDesign of Plated StructuresFire Design of Steel StructuresFatigue Design of Steel and Composite Structures

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